Remarkable Pixel Blog
How to write a blog people want to read
In this blog, I show you how you can use Google to find blog post ideas - not just blog post ideas but topics based on what people are actually searching for and actually want to read about!
Why I am writing one blog a week for one year
Do you have a blogging gremlin like me? Well, to counteract this, I decided to go out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to write one blog a week for a whole year. 52 blogs to see the difference it makes to my website traffic and Google rankings. So here's blog number one of my journey to becoming a better blogger. I will share what I learn along the way and weave my SEO tidbits into the mix. Gremlin, pack your bags!
Successful ocean rowing websites - My 10 top tips
I have worked with ocean rowing teams on their websites since 2016 and in this blog I share my ultimate top 10 tips for making your ocean rowing website as successful as it can be.
Over the last 6 years, I have seen many of my teams have some truly spectacular outcomes by making the most of their website. There is no quick fix - you have to put the work in, but as some of the evidence in this blog shows, when this is combined with your campaign efforts the results can be as amazing!
How to increase your website traffic after Google’s latest update
Google has just released one of its ‘core updates’ (May 2022). You probably had no idea but its kind of a big deal because it can affect your website ranking and you may see odd things going on in your analytics!
In this blog I am going to cover what Google have been doing and what you can do to improve your ranking, organic listing to increase your website traffic.
Make your website images standout
Beautiful images are a huge part of a successful website. When it comes to creating a website that doesn’t just look great, but converts viewers into customers, the images we use are a big part of the equation.
There are multiple ways to find wonderful images for your website… but here are a few of my favourite options, along with a few of the best resources to find beautiful images for your website plus some tools you can use to edit and compress images when you find them.
Why I use Squarespace for web design
I really love Squarespace but you are probably wondering why I choose Squarespace over other platforms, like Wordpress, Wix or Weebly?
Well, since I started using Squarespace back in 2019, it has constantly evolved to respond to user’s needs and I want others to know just how accessible it is in designing beautiful, high converting websites. Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty…
How I design client websites using Squarespace - the website process demystified.
Have you ever wondered what goes into creating a website? In order to meet deadlines and objectives there needs to be a good process in place.
You might be taking your first steps into a web project and feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, don’t worry!
Here I show you how following a vigorous website design process is crucial to the successful completion of every project I do, and is the key to keeping my customers happy.